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In this homemade coconut oil sunscreen recipe, I use shea butter which has natural sunscreen properties and anti-inflammatory agents. What is not to love about coconut oil or its exotic Polynesian version Monoi!
Monoï (pronounced Mah-noy) is an ancient Tahitian word meaning “scented oil” in the Reo-Maohi language. Monoï is often used among French Polynesians as a skin and hair softener.
Where to buy monoi online?
Be careful, today’s marketplace is full with monoi oil imitations. Authentic Tahitian monoi oil follows a strict manufacturing code that oversees the entire process from handpicking the tiare flowers to storage and shipping of the final product. You can buy the real monoi online here.
This process is validated and protected by an Appellation of Origin which was awarded to Monoi de Tahiti on April 1, 1992.
Is Zinc Oxyde safe?
In this recipe I use Zinc Oxyde which blocks both UVA and UVB rays. As a food additive, zinc oxide is on the U.S. FDA’s list as ‘generally recognized as safe’. But because there are very limited studies on its safety, I would never use zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide in any other cream than for the occasional sunscreen. And remember, your best bet for preventing sun damage is to avoid direct sun exposure between 10 am and 4pm.

- Oil phase: 14 tablespoon total– 70%
- 8 tablespoons organic shea butter
- 2 tablespoons organic non refined coconut oil or monoi
- 4 tablespoons organic saflower oil
- Water Phase: 2 tablespoon total – 10%
- 2 Tablespoons Organic Aloe Vera Juice
- Additive:
- 4 tablespoons Zinc Oxide – 20% equivalent to sfp 20
- Containers
- Glass Salve Containers – You can also find glass cream containers on amazon.com and amazon.ca
- Melt the shea butter, coconut oil or monoi and safflower oil in a double boiler on low heat.
- At the same time add the aloe vera in another double boiler to bring the aloe vera to the same temperature as the oils.
- Once melted take it off the heat and add the zinc oxide to the oil phase, mix well then add the aloe vera and start mixing with an electric whip immediately.
- Mix well for 3 minutes.
- Once well mixed put the container in your freezer for 15 minutes.
- Then whip the cold butter with the electric whip until you achieve a fluffy and whipped texture.
- You can put the butter back in the freezer for 5 minutes and whip again for an even more fluffier butter!
- Yield about 6 OZ
Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe Ingredients
Shea butter comes from the nut of the African shea tree. It is a rich nut butter that is naturally smoothing to the skin, and high in anti-aging Vitamin E. This is perfect for a sunscreen to combat the aging radiation of the sun! This also lends a thick, nourishing texture to this homemade sunscreen recipe.
Coconut oil origin is coconut kernels. It contains nourishing fatty acids and has a natural SPF of about 5, which helps it to naturally block out the sun’s rays while it nourishes and hydrates the skin. Monoi oil is the Polynesian cousin of coconut oil with the same properties and a lovely tropical fragrance. Both have a smooth texture that melts easily into skin. Make sure to buy an unrefined coconut oil to keep its medicinal properties intact.
Safflower oil is from a flowering plant native to Europe. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties and a high omega-6 fatty acid content to help protect the skin. This is a lighter oil that absorbs nicely into the skin. For best results, look for a cold-pressed safflower oil that has been certified organic by trusted third party.
Aloe vera juice comes from the gel naturally contained within the aloe succulent plant, native to North and Central America. Aloe has natural healing properties, and hydrates as well as soothes and cools. Perfect for a sunscreen! When you buy aloe vera gel, make sure it is not blended with any other liquids or additives.
Zinc oxide is a mineral compound made from treating naturally occurring chemicals. It has a natural SPF of 20 and does not dissolve in water, which allows it to form a protective barrier over the skin.
Why are commercial sunscreens dangerous?
These ingredients are naturally occurring with the exception of zinc oxide, which is still made from natural minerals. Commercial sunscreens use chemical filters that also get into the bloodstream and can contribute to organ toxicity and endocrine system disruption. Some of the chemicals in sunscreen include:
Oxybenzene is an endocrine disruptor that mimics estrogen and negatively effects male hormones like testosterone. It can also cause skin irritation, and most worrisomely, stays in our systems long after it is applied to our bodies.
Octinoxate is another chemical filter that may impede thyroid function.
Homosalate is a known endocrine disruptor that can lead to hormonal issues like PCOS.
Where to buy zinc oxide and what to look out for?
While zinc oxide may not be perfect, it is certainly less dangerous than chemical filters! To limit exposure to unwanted chemicals or effects purchase a non-nano zinc oxide without any additives, like this one.
Choose a Non-nano zinc oxide. This refers to the size of the zinc oxide particles. Zinc oxide with nano-size particles has small enough particles that they may pass through the skin. Non-nano zinc oxide has been shown to stay on the skin surface – barely any of it passes through the skin at all.
Please let me know how you like this coconut oil sunscreen recipe in the comments below!
I hope you have enjoyed my recipe, please share the love and rate ***** in the comments below!
There is water in the ingredients. What should I do with the water?
Hi Eve ! Is there any option of substituting coconut oil , because i don’t prefer to use it on my face?
Hi.i have 3 questions
1.what is the difference between aloever gel and aloevera juice and can i use aloevera gel instead rather than aloevera juice?
2.do u make aloevera juice by blending aloevera gel in a blender?
3.how long can i use this sun screen.
Tnx and btw u should know that your recipes are just amazing…
any essential oils for fragrance?
I have found some other recipes that say to use the beeswax so that the product does not come off with sweat and totally when in the water? How long would this remain if you were in the water? I just found your blog today and I am excited with your recipes. And thanks for your rating the different EO company products. Always nice to have someone do the “leg” work!
Thanks Lady Di! its best to re-apply on your skin after coming out of the water to be safe.
Can you buy the safflower oil from the grocery store?
yes you may be able to. Go to natural store or buy it on amazon https://www.organic-beauty-recipes.com/saflower-organic-oil-am
I would like to make this recipe. I burn easily. Will this sunscreen protect fair skin?
I have fair skin and it worked for me, BUT always use common sense avoid going under the sun between 11am and 2pm as the sun is the strongest and it all depends on where you live and how strong the UV are when you expose your skin to the sun. 20% of Zinc Oxide is equivalent to sfp 20. Do a test if you are unsure how your skin reacts.
Thanks again Eve! No beeswax?
No beeswax needed here as you are whipping it into a butter!
My sunscreen went rock hard. How do you prevent it from happening?
Its because the coconut oil solidifies under 23-25C, If you put it in a warm place, it will melt. But I suggest replacing the coconut oil by saflower oil if you are in a cold country!