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Oh the smell of coffee…While I don’t drink it, the smell always leaves me sniffing the air and wanting for more! This coffee body scrub recipe will leave yours skin smooth and well hydrated. Coffee basically “buffs” your skin and gives it a nice golden glow. Plus it can reduce the appearance of cellulite!
One coffee body scrub application won’t get rid of cellulite, but if you keep this as a routine once or twice a week along a healthy diet and regular exercise, it should help getting rid of the orange skin appearance.
How does that work?
The caffeine in this coffee body scrub recipe is a stimulant and dilates blood vessels. It basically tones and tightens your skin but only for a short period of time.
The major benefit is that it increases circulation, improves collagen and elastin production as well reduces water retention.
Bottom line, this coffee body scrub smells amazing, it’s super easy and fun to make and I loved the result on my skin.

- 1/3 cup of organic whole brown sugar cassonade, muscovado
- 1/3 cup organic coconut oil it needs to be cold and in solid form. If the coconut oil is melted put it in the fridge until it hardens.
- 1/3 cup of organic liquid castile soap like Dr Bronners
- 2 tbs of organic ground coffee
- In a fast blender mix sugar and coconut oil until they are just blended. You don’t want to mix too long as this will break down the sugar and melt the coconut oil.
- Pour the sugar and coconut oil in an aluminum bowl placed in a another bowl filled with cold iced water
- Start whipping the scrub with an electric mixer until the scrub is fluffy and creamy
- Add the ground coffee and liquid soap until they are just combined.
- Put the scrub in a pretty container and use within 1 month.
- If it’s hot (more than 25C) in your apartment, keep it in the fridge. Otherwise you can leave it at room temperature.
- Use weekly in the morning shower as body scrub, gently scrub your body but avoid sensitive areas.
Just make sure you don’t run cold water as this will harden the coconut and might clog your pipes temporarily.
Please let me know how you like this recipe in the comments below, i look forward to your feedback!
I hope you have enjoyed my recipe, please share the love and rate ***** in the comments below!
What could you use to sub out the coffee with? Coconut oil is too drying for my skin what could you sub that out with too?
Thank you..Love your site!
Dear Eve,
I am new on your blog. Recently I have decided to start my own business. Would you please let us keeping condition of each product? As I want to build a factory for organic product. How long we can keep this product?
Hi mansoureh, you can keep this product for a week or 2 in the fridge. its best to make small batches before use.
Hi. First time beauty product maker and have a few questions before I get started. Why do you add the liquid soap? Can 1 use salts in this recipe as well (Himalayan or Epson). Also would adding some essential oils or/and vitamin E be good in this scrub? Thank you so much for your time. Loving your website. k
Hi Konnie,
You can skip the liquid soap but it is what makes it easier to apply and it washes at the same time as you scrub!
You can replace sugar by salt but I find it stings too much.
essential oils are always optional, feel free to add some.
Thank you for the response. I will let you know how I go. Love the blog