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In this easy egg shampoo recipe, I am using raw eggs which contain a high amount of proteins and essential nutrients such as iron, vitamin A, D, E, B12, Selenium etc… It helps to strengthen your hair follicles, add volume, shine and texture. What else can we ask for from such a simple shampoo?!
Honey was commonly used on hair in ancient time. A 2001 study conducted by the Dubai Specialized Medical Center discovered honey may be used to treat scaling, itching and hair loss. Consider using this mask on a regular basis if you have any problems with your scalp.
Honey and Aloe Vera also has anti-bacterial properties which will leave your hair very clean, you will be surprised! This egg shampoo recipe does not contain any soap, this can be used if you are part of the no pooh! community.

- 1 organic brown egg
- 2 tablespoons of organic aloe vera gel only one tbs is needed if you have short hair
- 1 tablespoon of raw liquid organic honey
- Optional: 10 drops oflavender essential oil or your favourite essential oil.
- Tea tree is great if you have dandruff!
- Yield: one application
- Blend all the ingredients with a fork or manual whip.
- Under the shower pour this egg shampoo recipe on your head and massage your scalp and hair thoroughly.
- Leave it on for a few minutes while your shower yourself.
- Rinse thoroughly with warm or luke water (IMPORTANT: do not use hot water as this can cook the egg and turn into a fine mess to remove from your hair!)
- Dry as usual. No conditioner needed!
This is my favourite egg shampoo recipe because it leaves my hair clean (without using soap) soft and shiny.
I use it once a week and alternate with other Natural Castile shampoo but you could definitely use it all the time if your hair are dry, try for yourself and let me know how you like it in the comments below!
I hope you have enjoyed my recipe, please share the love and rate ***** in the comments below!
how long will this last if its not all used at once?
it needs to be used all at once and the day you make it.