I am a strong believer that change begins within oneself so join me and our DIY organic beauty community to learn easy and fun homemade beauty recipes.
ORGANIC = using ingredients that are grown without the use of chemicals like pesticide, insecticide or fungicide…
BEAUTY= attractive, healthy, I mean… beauty inside out!
RECIPES = easy and homemade right in my kitchen
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Hello Eve, I have been coming to your blog for couple of years now and I must say your recipes are great, I have tested quite a lot of them, I am testing out few of the recipes of my own as well, looking forward for more of your recipes.
Hi Eve - thanks for all the great recipes! Do you have one for DIY beard conditioner? Beard oil seems to be the big thing right now or balm, but they are at the extremes in terms of texture and the person who requested it would really prefer something closer to a lotion (or hair conditioner) texture -- thanks very much!! Carla
Hi Carla, yes actually I have a beard oil recipe that is coming up, in the next 3 weeks, stay tuned!